
Showing posts from March, 2024

A Smoggy day in March

 It is the dry season and a large part of SE Asia is tinder dry. This is a perfect environment for fires to burn be they started accidentally or on purpose. A major detrimental effect is bad air quality. So on the walks I like to take I find wearing of a suitable mask is needed. It doesn't mean I cant get out and about though.

Bees Be Home

 Have not been as busy on the photo video side of things this week but as when I got back today we discovered we had adopted a swarm of bees.

Pattaya family time

 Guess what? We went to Pattaya last weekend😲, ye we did and I had Relive tracking the drive and a few of the walks. Not only that but I shot some more snaps and videos of places like #Terminal21Pattaya, #cheapcharlies and the seaside. Bet you are dying to see what you missed😂. Grab a brew and take a look, it's on my YouTube.

Wat Saman

  What a vibrant place Wat Saman is. What do you think?

The Pantip Lifestyle Hub...

 I had a stroll into the revamped, although not yet fully completed Pantip Plaza, Chiang Mai, perhaps AKA "The Pantip Lifestyle Hub" Here is a short slideshow of how it now looks... They are certainly making an effort.