Rambling to a Roast.

 Here we go and it's the second attempt at using "Blogger" as a blog format and it isn't being helped that I have been in the pool cleaning away and the water has had the effect of cooling my extremities making them a little less responsive than is best for tippy-typing.

Still soldier on.

I have had a bit of a problem with my leg over the last few days and decided I need to take it a little easy so on Sunday I wanted a gentle, a very gentle stroll to take time to enjoy one of Kevin's wonderful roasts.

Sunday dinner, what ho.

Here is the Relive.

You may have noticed what looked like a platform on the river Ping.
I think they were clearing the debris, but I can't be sure.
I thought it was interesting and decided I would try one of my one-click edits using the rather clever #Luminar-Neo. Here it is. 
Just before the red Lion there is a Chianese foundation, and the paintwork is bright and shiny following the New Year celebrations.
I took a picture of the gate, well quite a few pictures in truth.
Here is a close up of the top decoration where once again I have been adding a little bit of Neo magic.

  And of course, there was the roast beef and I always take a snap of the roast beef 😋

Walk over it was time to return home.


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