The logical month is ending.

 What on earth am I prattling on about?

Well as this is a bit of a prattling on blog lets start with a bit of logical entertainment.

Don't worry it is on YouTube you don't have to watch or listen to it, but I rate it as a great tune of its time.

The logical month? Well I'll tell you:

It is February, just an ordinary February, 28 days and that is the important characteristic that makes me label February the logical month.

As I see it 28 days is 4 weeks, not 4 remainder 2 or 3 days, it is 4 weeks.

And if we do a bit long division 

4 = 
Not that we needed long division for that ๐Ÿ˜
But we would need it if we tried to explain why our western calendars have 12 months not 13.
What is this? An obsession with symmetry, or maybe an obsession with Rome? First Julian, named after some emperor and then Gregorian as instituted by Pope Gregory XIII of, the Roman catholic church.
But if there were to be 13 months in a year, as some companies and institutions have adopted for fiscal and holiday policies so much variability and confusion would be avoided.
So why do we persist on this daft devotion to a calendar that creates variability? Are world leaders scared of being excommunicated or worse, burnt at the stake as heretics?
He hum, the times we live in, and Easter has to move every year, right! Not that Easter matters to the catholic church.
Best leave that one I think.
What about yours truly after all, it is my blog ๐Ÿ˜ˆ.

Well, as you may know I am immobile, a situation I really, I mean really don't like.
My walks and cycle rides have become an important part of my life and I have no desire to return to the obese state I was in some years ago. Here is a before / After Gif.

More of that later.
So yesterday, with little improvement in the pain, I went to see my doctor, not only is she a terrific doctor but also she is a top athlete, and as such I felt very comfortable she would be able to help.
After a comprehensive examination the cause was deemed to be, in all probability, sciatic nerve related. Which is what I was thinking all along.
She dispatched me to a nurse who, having filled a sizeable quantity of both steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs from ampules, affixed a worryingly long needle and had me to bend over and undo my pants. She then proceeded to inject the afore said mix into my gluteus maximus. 
Did you know that “gluteus” is the Latin version of the Greek word “gloutos,” which literally means “buttock”? (Wiki).
I returned home with steroid and anti-inflammatory tablets. 
Here is the "more of that later" bit. Let's hope they do the trick as this lack of activity, maybe combined with the steroids have resulted in a 1.7kg rise in my weigh this morning from yesterday and my clever (and expensive) scales say it is not body fat ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.
So that is all from an inactive Al for today, I think...


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