Happy anniversary.

 Greetings grapple fans.

Come on admit it 😀you know what I mean...

Kent Walton and his iconic commentary of the Saturday afternoon wrestling until Greg Dyke went PC and delivered a forearm smash to the viewing on commercial TV and Les Kellet, Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy were taken from the Saturday afternoon goggle box.

Such a shame, I loved it.

Not that has anything to do with the title.

Nope, that is because on this day 69 years ago, my mum and dad got married.

The story goes that dad, who had decided to make his post war life in America received a telegram from my mum announcing she was arriving at New York by boat, and he was to be there to meet her.

That was my mum for sure.

I don't have a picture of them together in 1954 but here is one on my favourite holiday snaps.

Here in Chiang Mai the air wasn't too bad yesterday and on my stroll into the city it was good to see river tourism on the up.
The air is a little worse today but not enough to stop me getting out for a stroll and a ride on the burg, masked up of course.

Want to see yesterdays stroll?

Thought so:



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