Another smoggy rant.

 Some things will never change. This is one of them, smog at this time of the year.

I do wonder why I go on about it, it is the same every year except for a bit of a lull in Covid times.

Geography and the weather patterns play a part in it of course, I guess it is a little like Great Smog of London and if you want to read about that click HERE

The thing is, that SINGLE event was so significant action was taken and resulted in the clean air act a couple of years later.

Here in the body of countries that comprise the ASEAN the problem has been long recognised.

ASEAN was formed in 1967 and actually signed and agreement that came into force called "The ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution" in 2003, nearly 20 years ago.

The agreement says it "binds a group of contiguous states to tackle transboundary haze pollution resulting from land and forest fires."

You can read more in this is you want click HERE.

Of course, a part of this is geographical or so it seems. OK this screenshot may suffer from density of contribution sites, but it can give a look at the band of pollution that occurs at this time of year.

So once again the pollution is here this year. If efforts to prevent it at an ASEAN level are going on, they are not very well publicised it seems and ineffective to boot.

So here, endeth the rant on this year's smog. 

Will it go away in time for tourists to come here and enjoy Songkran in Chiang Mai this year?

Unlikely but one can hope.

Here is a smoggy walk to end the blog... 

And a tune to enjoy a brew with: -



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