Footwork and Footy

 The last week of April and once again I am thinking how time flies, I think I was listening to Morse when I heard that life passes at a constant rate in 24-hour units, well something like that.

Well there was a lot in these 24 hours. For a start off I went into the city and met a chap about travel insurance. He is French and would you believe he is called Clouseau although in a cunning move, he disguises the fact by spelling the name differently.

So off I trotted on a little trundle to meet him and have a coffee with my friend Charlie.

Of course the tech recorded it so we can all Relive.

Whilst I was out and about in the city Mrs T was at the airport picking up Daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.
Quite a day.
But it wasn't over...
At 2am Thai time, the Clarets faced our most despised rivals, Blackburn Rovers at Ewood.
A win would secure the Championship for the Clarets, but Rovers were not playing nice including a small allocation of tickets to away fans.
Well, despite the spoiling tactics, the diving and niggling on the pitch which, in my opinion detracted from some good play and tactics by them, they could not spoil the party.
Mind you I had an odd experience before the game, I went to the loo about an hour before time to get up. I went back to bed and fell back asleep.
What followed was a vivid deam that I had got up and dressed to watch the game. I found it to be a dream when I woke with a start thinking I must have gone back to bed for a quick pregame nap and missed it all.
I hadn't and what a cracking goal to win the championship.


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