Goodness gracious great balls of fire.

Earlier in the week I had a trip to one of the big private hospitals here in Chiang Mai, private not because I am posh, it is just my stay here does not allow me to take advantage of the Thai heath service.

That being said the private hospitals here are very good, very good indeed.

I had been required to fast since midnight for reasons I don't quite understand. Not just a food fast, no liquids either, not even water 😮.

By 8am they had taken blood checked my vitals (i.e. written down my BP and weight that I gave them).

Shortly after I was taken into the bowels of the building where the CT and MRI scanners were housed, sat down then presented with a green liquid.

I supped the green whatever in just under an hour. You have to wait a while for the stuff to coat your innards but once that is done and you have changed into a hospital gowns the scan can begin.

The scan is performed on some pretty high-tech stuff, in the case of this hospital, a unit made by Phillips which not only does all of the stuff but talks to you with instructions.

A few scans later and they connect the iv-contrast media to the line that was in my vein.

I did wonder if, having had the oral media, I would not be injected with this stuff.

It was not to be. They do warn you that you may feel a little warm as a result of the media. That "little warm" comment must be one of the all time top medical understatement. 

Anyone that has had this procedure will know what the reaction is, and they will already have worked out the reason for the title "Goodness gracious great balls of fire".

Scan over and BP checked I was, at 11.30 able to have a drink.

I took on water and although they don't have coffee on tap here, they do give hot chocolate away😋

I really fancied breakfast, even though it was lunch time, so I set out to get some at Mad-Dogs where with the breakfast they do a decent coffee...

As well as a most acceptable full English.
I was bloody hot out so I decided to rehydrate, just a little, in Happy Drink
Then onwards on the return leg passing Wat Sai moon muang.
Before feeling the need for further hydration at the Travellers Arms.
My final port of call before returning back to the hospital for the results and consultation was to the women's prison coffee garden where I had a fantastic brew...
I have as you nay have guessed, recorded this so here is the Relive.
I didn't have to wait long for the consultation and once the bill was paid, I felt I deserved a beer after such a long, hot and stressful day so of I popped to the Red Lion. 
Another Relive as I walked to the Red Lion? Well there is one, but I thought one was enough.
So instead I thought I would close with the title song.



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