Stonking hot Smog

 Songkran is pretty much around the corner and before we descended into mayhem for the first real time in 3 years, there were things that had to be done.

For me that included sorting out my hospital appointment for my annual scan and Tang 

Was due for her jabs.

Bloody expensive these little monsters😁.

Once Tang was jabbed, off I went on my city stroll, 

Relive does a rather good job of summarizing stuff and I do wonder if there is much point in adding additional material...
But I will.
It was not until I got to Loy Kroh Road, famous for its fun and entertainment (it's a bit like Blackpool but the rides are better 😈OK that is such an old one but hey...) that I came across revelers getting ahead of the game for Songkran. 
And whilst having a beer I found that the camera app on the S22u update has included some flashy selfie features.
So now we prepare for Songkran, the new year and all.


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