Election Weekend

 The Thai electorate get to cast their votes this weekend (well some of 'em voted last weekend if they were away from their constituency).

They are voting for what I would call the "lower" house and it is from that house the new Prime Minister will be from.

Will the PM be leading the country? Good question as, just like in the UK, the electorate don't get to pick the other chamber except here it is called the senate rather than the house of lords.

These are all military appointees and it may be interesting to see how they work with the popular vote if that should go against their views.

In order to ensure a fair and proper vote and, I am told, reduce corruption, the sale of alcohol is banned from 6pm Saturday until the close of polls, 6pm Sunday. The prohibitionists are a powerful bunch here who seem to like to demonstrate their power. The cannabis cafes don't come under this rule as far as I can see... man.

What did this mean?

Well It meant I was out on Friday night and not on Saturday and the went on a very very hot walk to Sausage King to start the evening eating fish chips and mushy peas with my friend Charlie

Here is the walk.

From there it was to Moment & Wine for... wine
A quick wine in Rumours via the Tha Phae gate
And the Red Lion to finish.
What a fun Friday.


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