Hats Off to Coffee World

You may have seen, if you do the Facebook thing, I had a walk to Central Airport mall on Thursday and after paying my bills etc I joined my friend Charlie for a coffee in Coffee World.

Well, what append was (is that how Jethro says it😁?)

I left my birthday hat behind. Most upsetting as not only is it a rather good hat but it was a present and I would hate to lose the gift.

As I fancied a beer and a curry in this Friday early evening I hopped out of the car once Mrs T had finished her visit to the insurance people and strolled back to the airport mall.

Want to Relive the stroll? Thought you would...

Like a numpty, I decided that I would use my brand new shoes for the walk, the ones I had purchased on Thursday and walked less than half a km in.
And just as you would expect, the new form on my foot created blisters...
Mrs T says I didn't bite them, If you bite the shoe they know not to bite you back😮I think she is right...
My feet may have been a little tender by the time I got to Coffee World but the fantastic staff there saw me coming pointed to their heads and said หมวก, the Thai for hat.
How good is that😍and to celebrate after a quick essential trip to the loo, hat in hand, I had a coffee!
Happy and refreshed I set out on the next stage of my walk, to change a hospital appointment but I hadn't gone but a few hundred metres when it started to rain, just a little at first but soon it was dive for cover or else.
15 minutes later and the downpour had lightened to make continuing possible again. I did Relive that as well but as it is just a couple of km I will save it for those that want to click the link on my Relive page.
With sore feet it was time to grab a grab and enjoy a wine at Moment & Wine
And from there to the Indian that, for me does curry my favour😝


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