Mae Kuang Dam, the short bridge loop.

 It is ages since I have been to Mae Kuang, perhaps because it just isn't the same without my friend Bill there walking along together.

The last time I went the water was so high it had totally erased the lower road to the bridge.

I wanted to see if the road was now passable.

So off I popped on the Burg and arriving I parked up.

Then, having set the tech, off I set, it was slightly overcast and occasionally I felt a spot of rain but then again it is rainy season.
I could already see that at least a large part of the road was now passable
Wanting to do a loop I took the high road towards the bridge
And after 2km passed the park gate
To go directly to the bridge you would follow the road but
I took this little track
I think the little spur is worth it

Then back track, just a little to the bridge
Here are a few bridge shots looking north

Did they not start this trend in Paris?
I got to the other end and it was time to return
Vehicles crossing the bridge make a hell of a clatter, sometimes you do wonder...
I really fancied a coffee but to my dismay the great little coffee shop was closed, I hope not for good
There were signs the lower road was now passable
So off I went, I could see no distinct clouds as I continued but the rain was getting a little more persistent...
Anyway, onwards

It looks like this bit has not fully recovered from its prolonged immersion
Then I neared the end of the lower road
And soon was back on the small dam
A final look at the bridge
Then back at the Burg
And that was my little Mae Kuang stroll.
Of course this automatically interfaces with Relive so if you like the animated track click HERE
And if you wan to follow it it will, in due course be on AllTrails.


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