Wat, Walk, Women

 Sounds good dun nit😉

OK so the women is all about the the England girls getting to the World Cup final

I am not going to claim that the game is anything like as skilled and technical as the male league stuff but it was exciting and I for one am proud that they have reached the final.

Before the footy I went on a little wander, a sort of round about way to pay my TV and internet bill. You can see the route on Relive HERE if you like.

If you just want to have a look at some of my snaps occasionally tweaked as in the lazy editor read on.

My first stop was Wat Don Chan, now you know where the Wat in the title comes from.

It's guarded by a couple of big elephants

It's a busy wat that does some really good stuff for children, here are a few more snaps

Then towards Big C passing a chap taking a snooze in his lunch break

I do like the way this happens here, never did see much of it in England😄

On the way back I passed what was once Promenada Resort Mall where I saw signs forbidding entry placed by the Islamic Bank Asset Management. I wonder if they have a buyer yet?

Home and time to shower and change to walk to a busy Red Lion for the footy

On the way I could here the rumble of thunder and as I crossed the River Ping a little rain started, It looked like there may be more
I made it, and settled down at the Red Lion
If you want to relive that one as well you can click HERE 

And me...



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