Beach Blog

 OK not a huge beach content but, it is all about poetic licence isn't it?

At least I am not being, as the British government have been know to put it, "economical with the truth"😁.

October 2023 and friends and some family took a trip to Pattaya where we met up with more friends, more friends that we have not seen for quite a while with covid and the like.

The blog has most of it all put together in a 1 post slice to enjoy over a brew, or two. 

Maybe wine, it possible goes better with wine😋.

Here we go...

Day one 

And off we set from Chiang Mai to Chachoengsao so once the part had gathered off we set. If you want to see day in on the #Relive video the link is HERE

Just past Tak I was required to stop at a market that, I was told, was great for avocados.

I did as instructed.

There were the usual fuel, coffee and pee breaks of course before we arrived at a Wat as instructed. Something to do with is being lucky when you do the lottery I heard in the chatter that was ever present along the way I have linked the wat to Google maps if you want to check it on there Wat Tako.

Once it was clear this was very much worth the slight detour.

I took a few snaps and in order to make they easily accessible I have YouTubed a video slideshow for you😁

Did you see the snap of the floating candles?

I did a little video of that as well

Then after some bizarre Google map directions and mega thunderstorm cloudbursts we arrived at out very Thai resort for the night.

I rather good place and great value.

We gathered at night for the typical Thai meal, most enjoyable.

What did I do that was so funny though???

Day two

It will come as no surprise to hear that the first thing my wife and her Thai pals wanted to do this day was to visit another wat. Wat Saman Rattanaram

Then to see our youngest granddaughter.
Followed by, again as no surprise, food...
After the feast it was time to look at the spectacular Wat Sothon Wararam Worawihan
Want to see more?

Once again I have put together a little slideshow
Then it was time to drive the short leg of the journey to Pattaya.
Arrived and checked into our hotel, the Oakwood Journey Hub, a fantastic place especially if you want to take your dog on holiday with you.
Then it was time for me to take a stroll and to see the sea.
And grab a beer at one of the seafront bars that never seems to change, Lovely Corner
The sun was setting and that made for what I  thought was a nice sunset, do you agree?

Day 3 at the seaside.

The first full day at Pattaya and I decided I would start the day with a Cheap Charlie's breakfast, they simply don't get much better than this...
Which required a walk to try and work a bit of it off😲passing Wat Chai Mongkhon
My first target for the day was to have a look at Terminal 21, a mall complex I had yet to visit.
And on the way, I got a call from Mrs T and the girls that they were enjoying food at a café, so I popped in
The Terminal 21 layout is very themed, it is a pleasant environment and there are lots of food and drink venues
But lets face it, a mall is a mall and dominated by the same shops you get in just about every other mall.

Day 4, still at the seaside.

Another day another kiss me quick hat...
No, but it did start with a Kiss breakfast. I ordered a bacon sandwich and some fries but as Thailand's sandy beaches were very much the go to R-n-R place in the Vietnam war days it seems the influence translated into a bacon sandwich being really a BLT sandwich.
Still enjoyed it though😋
Then we wandered to Naklua to see some friends that were over and we had not seen for years, Covid and all that...
We agreed to meet up for dinner at one of the many huge seafood buffet places.
These venues are huge, you pay your money, just under £10 at time of writing and that is it apart from booze, you have to buy booze extra.
The fresh, very fresh as some of it is alive in tanks is superb and unlimited but you are not limited to seafood, there are meats as well.
And, precooked and served to you at a counter, roast duck.
Most of the food you cook yourself at the table on the BBQ's provided.
Here is a snap which simply does not show how huge the place is but gives you an idea of what it is like eating there.
Totally stuffed it was time to retire to the comfort of bed.

Day 5, the drive home.

Unlike the drive down, the drive back was pretty much just a journey.
There was a call for some stuff at the expat shopping place (Pattaya is pretty good for expat shopping) and some fish at the roadside. There is an area just below Nakhon Sawan where we always stop to buy tons of the smelly stuff😈.
And of course there was coffee.
And with that I will bid you farewell, until the next time.
Comments welcome.
Trips can be seen on #Relive. 


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