
Showing posts from August, 2023

Sunday Sunday

 A couple of walks on Sunday so here is a very very short blog as I am of out on the Burg very soon. The first one was a look at the 700 year park Then after, it was into the city to watch the Clarets. I called at OMG for a cracking roast Had a glass or two of wine at Moments Then walked to the footy At the Red Lion What a good Sunday (except for the footy result.) Coffee.

Ambling to Immigration

 And a curry🍛. I wanted to check something at immigration for my upcoming visa extension, here in Thailand you need to extend your visa when it comes to an end. Anyway what a good excuse to wander into the city for a beer and a curry. But before I could go I did have to get some sticky rice and as I forgot to switch the Huawei app off when I returned to shower and change the whole walk was recorded. Want to see it? It doesn't take long... I did see one thing of interest on my sticky rice leg of the day I remember TVs like that, should be in a museum not dumped by the roadside😀 The walk to immigration is one I have done many times and recorded so I didnt think there was much of a point in blabbing on about that. Instead I thought I could ramble on about the fact that after immigration my walk was cut short by a rainy season cloudburst. OK a bit of an excuse to add some snaps I took.  Got I got a Grab car to a watering hole I occasionally pop into and proceeded to replenish some of

Mae Kuang Dam, the short Main Dam Loop

 A glance at the title and you can see I have been back for a stroll at the wonderful Mae Kuang Dam and this time it is so complete the series of the 3 short strolls that started with the short bridge loop, the short knoll loop and this loop via the main dam. Of I set on the Burg with Waze deciding I would like to get there the scenic route, so scenic that one bit of it didn't exist but fortunately I knew where I was and was able to ignore that little detour to the dead end. Normally I now only do a link to the Relive that I creat on my walks but I thought on this occasion It worked well so here it is And a few of the snaps along the main dam Looking back at the Knoll And on the west bank you can see that the level, whilst much reduced from the past, is still quite high. Who are you looking at... Buffalo and wasps I think the wasps were more likely to be a threat😏 I confess I was puzzled by the sight of a lone Nike on the road, was the faint red stain blood? Soon it was time to tu

Mae Kuang Dam, the short Knoll Loop

 Having had a nice little stroll at Mae Kuang to the suspension bridge earlier in the week I wanted to take a stroll around the knoll. So I did Once again a most enjoyable  stroll in this wonderful area. For this walk I parked in the parking area by the main dam and the first thing I did was to take a look at the water level markers and the view, something my good friend Bill got me into. Then down the hill, which for a road is pretty steep. Along the base of the knoll and as I approached the turn back up to the dam level I was fortunate enough to catch a cycle tour Going up the road to the dam level I met this lady and her pal sporting a big triangular net I asked her what it was for, and she showed me Crabs for the pot. Up to the dam level And this time it was to take the road to the left and pass where I had parked the Burg the last time so if you fancy a stroll here and you think this and the previous stroll to the bridge are a bit short, no problem, just combine them (and yes I wi

Wat, Walk, Women

 Sounds good dun nit😉 OK so the women is all about the the England girls getting to the World Cup final I am not going to claim that the game is anything like as skilled and technical as the male league stuff but it was exciting and I for one am proud that they have reached the final. Before the footy I went on a little wander, a sort of round about way to pay my TV and internet bill. You can see the route on Relive HERE if you like. If you just want to have a look at some of my snaps occasionally tweaked as in the lazy editor read on. My first stop was Wat Don Chan, now you know where the Wat in the title comes from. It's guarded by a couple of big elephants It's a busy wat that does some really good stuff for children, here are a few more snaps Then towards Big C passing a chap taking a snooze in his lunch break I do like the way this happens here, never did see much of it in England😄 On the way back I passed what was once Promenada Resort Mall where I saw signs forbiddin

Mae Kuang Dam, the short bridge loop.

 It is ages since I have been to Mae Kuang, perhaps because it just isn't the same without my friend Bill there walking along together. The last time I went the water was so high it had totally erased the lower road to the bridge. I wanted to see if the road was now passable. So off I popped on the Burg and arriving I parked up. Then, having set the tech, off I set, it was slightly overcast and occasionally I felt a spot of rain but then again it is rainy season. I could already see that at least a large part of the road was now passable Wanting to do a loop I took the high road towards the bridge And after 2km passed the park gate To go directly to the bridge you would follow the road but I took this little track I think the little spur is worth it Then back track, just a little to the bridge Here are a few bridge shots looking north Did they not start this trend in Paris? I got to the other end and it was time to return Vehicles crossing the bridge make a hell of a clatter, somet