
Showing posts from February, 2023

The logical month is ending.

 What on earth am I prattling on about? Well as this is a bit of a prattling on blog lets start with a bit of logical entertainment. Don't worry it is on YouTube you don't have to watch or listen to it, but I rate it as a great tune of its time. The logical month? Well I'll tell you: It is February, just an ordinary February, 28 days and that is the important characteristic that makes me label February the logical month. As I see it 28 days is 4 weeks, not 4 remainder 2 or 3 days, it is 4 weeks. And if we do a bit long division  4  =  52 13 Not that we needed long division for that 😏 But we would need it if we tried to explain why our western calendars have 12 months not 13. What is this? An obsession with symmetry, or maybe an obsession with Rome? First Julian, named after some emperor and then Gregorian as instituted by Pope Gregory XIII of, the Roman catholic church. But if there were to be 13 months in a year, as some companies and institutions have adopted for fiscal

Cycling with a duff back, walking with a duff leg.

 This duff back, and more significantly bad leg are a right pain, not just literally but it is no good, no good at all, being stuck with limited mobility. Especially as walking and to a lesser degree cycling are now some of my most enjoyable activities. Many of you will know I was rather immobile for many years due to being morbidly obese and it is an immense joy being able to get out and about. Until the bits and bobs that are giving me pain get sorted, I am back to virtually none of my walks and cycles and I dread the problem becoming a permanent feature of my life. Here, for your viewing are a couple of YouTube videos of the cycle and walk I managed to get in before the body decided I had gone too far. The first is the cycle the second the walk. I have already posted them directly as separate videos on YouTube directly but here you get to gorge on them. Go on, get a glass of wine and get viewing, you know you want to... Hope you enjoy. And like London busses, here is another: Hope y

Overdoing it

  You may be aware that I have somehow, strained my leg, I don't really know why or how. In the morning it didn't seem too bad but to be on the safe side I thought cycling was a better alternative again than walking, as you take the weight on your arse rather than your feet, knees hips and, as I found, using quite a bit of muscle to effect balance and motion.  So, I set out on bit if a cycle ride. It wasn't as far as I initially planned, I think now, that was a good thing 😮. The title of the Relive? Yes, I did get lost, but having said that, I found places I didn't know existed. I had planned to go for a drink with a friend over from England on his last night here in Chiang Mai and feeling that my leg was not too bad, and I had managed the cycle I though I would try a walk into the city to meet him. Events were to change that as Mrs T had an emergency visit to the dentist, so rather than a walk into the city, I took a stroll from the moat by Chiang Mai gate. It turned

The hobble home.

 Funny how things happen when you get old. Little twinges in your leg and bit of an ache after a game of footy, they all seem to disappear within a few minutes. Even in your later teens and twenties, a couple of pints down your local and the aches and pains were gone, along with any worries that may be nagging away. Add a few decades and instead of fading away the ache and pains not only remain but have an annoying tendency to get worse! And so it was that having been in slight discomfort the day before, I figured that as we needed to replenish the stock of veg for the pot I got it into my mind a gentle stroll back from the market would be just the ticket to gently exercise the muscles and joints and ease my aching back. mmm? So that is what I did, here is the Relive. Whilst I enjoyed the walk the last couple of km were starting to get uncomfortable. A friend had suggested to me that it may be sciatic nerve issues. Why didn't I think of that, lower back pain, pain in my left leg. S

Rambling to a Roast.

 Here we go and it's the second attempt at using "Blogger" as a blog format and it isn't being helped that I have been in the pool cleaning away and the water has had the effect of cooling my extremities making them a little less responsive than is best for tippy-typing. Still soldier on. I have had a bit of a problem with my leg over the last few days and decided I need to take it a little easy so on Sunday I wanted a gentle, a very gentle stroll to take time to enjoy one of Kevin's wonderful roasts. Sunday dinner, what ho. Here is the Relive. You may have noticed what looked like a platform on the river Ping. I think they were clearing the debris, but I can't be sure. I thought it was interesting and decided I would try one of my one-click edits using the rather clever #Luminar-Neo. Here it is.  Just before the red Lion there is a Chianese foundation, and the paintwork is bright and shiny following the New Year celebrations. I took a picture of the gate, we

Friday and I did 2 city walks

 Hi all, just trying a new provider for the blog, out if the Google stable, Blogger. In truth I have tried it before, but Wix was so much in line with my skill set (which, lets face it, is hardly rated as expert when it comes to anything other than drag and drop applications). Anyway, lets give it a try, this'll be a short try out blog, so feedback is most welcome. And I went for a walk into the city in the morning. There had been rain recently and the air had been cleaned so the anti PM2.5 mask was not needed. Now to see if I can inset the Relive code 😬 Nope not mastered that one yet so here is the link 😏 Relive Morning Meander Bear with me on this one. In the afternoon I set out on another walk into the city and as I do, I Relived that. relive the evening walk It was an interesting walk, and it didn't end at Moment and Wine, I just accidentally clicked my watch to say the activity had ended 😵 Here are a few snaps to close So that's the first experiment on Blogger. I am